Thursday, 28 April 2016

CRD: Monthly Make - Cupcake anyone????

Getting the Monthly Make stamps each month is always a surprise, while Kym and I always discuss ideas she never fails to surprise me with the final stamp sets   Aprils' Monthly Make from Crafty Roo Designs.


  • April's Stamp Set.
  • Stamp bases.
  • Memento:-Zeal Teal, Cantaloupe, Grape Jelly, Sweet Plum.
  • Marker pens Yellow, purple, Teal.
  • Pick stick, purple Cotton.
  • Smaller square white card, turquoise, white, pale lavender card.
  • Double sided tape or glue.
  • Craft tools.
How to Make

1) Onto white card stamp four clouds ( Teal), four sets hearts in each (Teal, Cantaloupe, Grape Jelly) and a rainbow (Grape Jelly), colour in the hearts to match the ink, colour the rainbow to match the hearts, cut out the hearts, rainbow and one full cloud and just the centre from the other three.

2) Attach the rainbow to the pick stick, attach one of each coloured heart to purple cotton then onto the back of the rainbow using glue, leave to dry.

3) Cut a piece of pale lavender card a little smaller than the front of the square white card, stamp "Happy thoughts" on an angle in the top left corner, using the edge of the stamp base stamp lines along each side using Sweet Plum, centrally adhere to the small square white card using double sided tape or glue.

4) Cut a 6cm x 14 cm piece of turquoise card, randomly stamp the hearts ( Zeal Teal), score every o.5cm across the card and concertina fold, cut out a cup cake shape and glue on the folded shape to make the case.

5) 3D Glue the full cloud to the cup cake case with the other three behind it to make the cup cake shape, glue on the hearts to look like sprinkles, glue the pick stick between the clouds, adhere to the card using double sided tape or glue.

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